
A bookshelf and book reviews for your Jekyll site, built for Minima, based on jekyll-book-review. đź“š

In brief

The purpose of this project is to **provide Jekyll users with a simple, hackable template for managing their book reviews **.

It consists in two HTML layouts:

It was developed for Minima (the Jekyll default theme) and can be set up on a site running Minima in minutes, but it can also be easily adapted to any theme.

Don’t tell me, show me

Okay, here’s the demo (on an out-of-the-box Jekyll site running Minima).


Requirements: a functional Jekyll site.

Summary (for the Minima theme)

  1. Set up a custom books collection
  2. Add the books.html and review.html layouts to your _layout directory
  3. Add the base_path to your _includes direcotry
  4. Create a books list page with the books layout
  5. Write book reviews with the review layout

1. Set up a custom books collection

To get started with custom collections, you need to set them up in your Jekyll configuration file.

First, copy this code into your _config.yml file in your Jekyll root directory:

# Collections
        output: true
        permalink: /:collection/:title/

future: true


  - images

What it does:

Then, create a folder named _books in your Jekyll root directory. This is where you’ll write your book reviews!

For more information about collections, see Jekyll’s amazing docs.

2. Add the books.html and review.html layouts to your _layouts directory

This step is pretty straightforward.

Copy the _layouts folder at the root of this repo into your Jekyll root directory.

If you have an existing _layouts folder in your Jekyll root, simply add in there the two template files, books.html and review.html.

3. Add the base_path file to your _includes directory

This file helps us fetch the base url of the website and is used to display the book covers

Copy the base_path filed at the _includes directory of this repo into your Jekyll _includes directory.

4. Create a books list page with the books layout

Copy to your root Jekyll directory.

The front matter:

The contents:

4. Write book reviews with the review layout

You’re all set up!

Writing a book review works much like writing a post.

Optionally, copy the book review template to your new /_books folder.

The front matter:

A few additional notes about book covers:

The contents: